Thursday, October 23, 2008

LWUIT Makeover Demo

Been a while since I last posted, with all the holidays and things going on I barely have time to breath... However, the holidays are finally over and I hope to get into the ritual of posting more frequently again.
The makeover demo is a very cool demo developed by Terrence Barr to show off SVG support in in MIDP and how you can take an existing MIDP application and port it to SVG. Terrence will be speaking soon at OreDev and needed a good looking LWUIT demo, so we worked on a LWUIT version of the same demo. This took me less than a days work, mostly because Terrence already did all the heavy lifting of REST support and UI design and I just needed to leverage LWUIT here.

The demo is very simple, you type a search qwery into the first dialog then get a list of locations to which you can get a zoomable scrollable map and some additional details. All information is real and retrieved from Yahoo's REST web services directly over the air, this works on actual devices even on S40 devices...

Next time I will try to talk about some of the advantages for using LWUIT when compared to the SVG/MIDP versions. I hope we can publish the source code to give developers a better feel of a more real world demo application than the LWUIT demo.


  1. Hi, great demo!
    I'm developing a midp app and I have to choose between LWUIT and SVG. LWUIT is a lot easier to develop but SVG is a lot more lightweight.
    Is it possible that LWUIT is more widely supported than SVG? This is the impression I get when I compare de JSRs in: .

  2. Thanks.
    I will try to post some more details next week including some explanations of the advantages/differences LWUIT has when compared to SVG.
    I don't think SVG is more lightweight, try running it on a device not a simulator.

  3. is it possible to see the difference between the code sources from the original makeover demo and the one using the lwuit library?

  4. Is there a link to download the demo? I'd like to try running it on my device and see how good it looks.

    Also is the source code available, I'd like to see how you structure your code for a complete application.

  5. Hello, I'm currently writing a student project and am also interested in the source code. Also the theme used here seems quite nice. Is there a download for this lwuit theme?

  6. hi, when we can download the source? i think it nice project to us to learn how make lwuit tobe good...:) please publish the project :)

  7. nice demo! I am currently evaluating SVG and LWUIT approaches, it would be great if we could look at your implementation to compare it.

  8. That was a stupid question :-)
    i found how to do it. Thanks anyway

  9. I've downloaded the file , but I cannot build the "LWUIT-MakeOver" project because these resources are missing:


    In the NetBeans 6.5 Project Explorer, it shows that dist\lib\ path.jar, json.jar and request.jar are missing.

    I can't figure out where these files are supposed to come from. Already did an extensive Google search but still can't find out where to get them.

    Could anyone please help?

  10. I have suffered the same for more than an hour. If you haven't found them jet, you can find request.jar in "LWUIT-Makeover/dist/lib" inside
