Despite working hard on a new drop I found a couple of minutes to publish the code from JavaOne into the LWUIT incubator. The code is in the SVN there and you can just check it out from SVN using your standard user name and password.
This code demonstrates several things which I hope to get into more in future posts if I have the time... However for now check out the presentation that Chen and myself gave at JavaOne, slightly modified in terms of themes.
Is the license for source code of this example the same as for the whole lwuit package?
ReplyDeletelooks very cool! is there any implementation of Grid control to show db records in multiple columns?
Hopefully we will have an official grid control soon.
ReplyDeleteI don't know how to reach the code source, please can you help me. I'm develloping a mobile application using LWUIT and I need a file browser and as I see there is one in the Chat Demo. Please can you help me
Do does anybody know how to reach the Chat Demo source code? I've check the LWUIT SVN and it doesn't seem to be there.
ReplyDeleteThere is a project in called lwuit-incubator just download the code from its SVN under the directory "vprise".
ReplyDeleteAm looking force a QR reader source code in LWIUT where can I find it?
ReplyDeleteI'm not able to find "vprise" folder for chat demo after svn checkout. Is the folder moved to somewhere else or removed completely?
ReplyDeleteCan you please provide me the link to it? Please try as soon as possible I'm in urgent need of it.