InfoWorld has a great article that got syndicated allot, the registar made some minor mistakes but is a nice article too. The JavaLobby is blogging about LWUIT as well. VNU also has some thoughts about LWUIT.
Ed tries to be a bit sensational with his article I also think he didn't quite get the bottom line correctly. A couple of things he missed are the Android port and the fact that LWUIT runs really well on Phone ME which is free and available for Windows Mobile... The only blocker for iPhone portability is Apples licensing terms. He did however get some iPhone bloggers to link to us, which is a shame since my bandwidth reached its cap and I have some really cool demos I can show.
ZDNet itself has an article too, which was syndicated all over.
JDJ has some coverage, Heise online as well. The mobile phone development blog which discussed us in the past also has a post about the source release. All of this with lots of other smaller publications and links.
As a side note Java.net also posted a new introductory article about LWUIT to join the other great articles already published.
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